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Years on Stores
Features of our apps
Smart and intuitive
Quick interaction to find artworks of interest and discover their tips
Quick and easy addition of new languages
All features are available without an internet connection. Download the app and choose your language, you don't need anything else
See the photos, read the information, listen to the audios and learn everything about the contents you are looking for

For everyone
Our apps are for everyone regardless of their disabilities
100% native Android and iOS For smartphone and tablet
Remotely configurable
Dynamic and remotely configurable, with intuitive design and smart interaction
Smart features
Suggestion of nearby contents with indoor location (iBeacon technology) Image recognition QR-Code and NFC support
The way we make it!
Nowadays, if you need an app to promote your business, to guide visitors inside your museum, to provide mobile information to users inside a hospital, fair, park, hotel,. .. you can have it developed by a specialized agency, but that requires large investments in terms of time and money, or you can opt for low-cost solutions which, however, produce low-quality apps (typically hybrid) that your public may not appreciate and may prove as counterproductive in terms of prestige for your company.
To overcome these downsides, we developed the PharoSuite innovative system
For all budgets
Works well and be appreciated
In managing the app and in use
For everyone
Multilingual and accessible
An added value and a sustainable investment

An app managed on your own
You can easily manage the contents of your app. Last minute or ongoing changes will no longer be a problem.
Accessible to everyone
Every user, regardless of their language, device, physical, sensory, cognitive disability, can effectively access the information. Disabled users can use our apps with assistive technologies.
A dedicated tool for each phase
You can manage your native final app with PharoSuite, a system which provides tools that hide all the complexity involved in the development and management of apps with advanced features such as ours. Our smart tools make the hard work for you.
- PharoConsole: to enter and manage pieces of content
- PharoConfigurator: to create interactive maps
- PharoPreviewer: to preview your changes

Content management in a few clicks
- Enter contents and enrich them with descriptions, images, audio, video, pdf, link etc.
- Add multiple languages and manage translations by using the tool
- Publish events and send notifications to users
Everything through your web browser.

Our apps are accessible to everyone
Creating a usable and accessible system for everyone means:
- moral commitment and public appreciation
- adherence to the law
- expansion of market / number of users
- more immediate and usable interface for everyone (disabled, elderly, etc.)